From CDs to Downloads - How the Music Industry Has Changed

To many of the people I know and talk to online - It’s one thing to say that music is not important and quite another to simply dismiss it as not being as important as other hobbies such as watching movies or gaming. I do get it - In the days of PS4 Pros and Virtual reality as well as the ever growing popularity of Netflix etc. music is taking a bit more of a back seat than before. But this has also been affected with the Demise of the CD over recent years.

The days of bands like Oasis making their millions from the sales of albums like What’s the story? on CD in the 1990s have well and truly gone. Instead, modern day artists make some money from iTunes and the larger bands do still make a ton of money on live performances. But most if not all music now is free to listen to on youtube - It’s especially hard for beginners as before people had the dream of becoming rich and famous as the next superstar DJ etc. but those dreams are fading fast.

But are there places out there - especially online that can help with start up DJs and singers. Once such site I like the look of at the moment is a site about deejay equipment. They have some cool interviews with real DJs as well as some pretty insightful reviews of dj equipment packages and posts as to which are the best dj headphones in 2020. That’s an interesting one actually regarding headphones as I was reading he interview they had with on the DJ review site and this guy from the UK has been through a ton of DJ headphones over the years. He says that it’s never been cheaper than it is now to get on board with some pretty awesome headphones that are suitable for DJing. He also talks about having broken a ton of cans over the years which made me laugh. I love that DJs - particularly those successful ones with sponsors can afford to just DJ hard and break some top tech like it was nothing. I suppose it’s the same with like professional tennis players or lead guitarists who smash up their fender guitars on stage etc. No difference really is it. I hope one day that I’ll become that successful but for now there’s always my music blog to keep on writing posts.